Billie Wildrick

"...blissfully adorable..." "...Seattle’s Blonde Bombshell..." "...a beautifully powerful talent..." "...killer pipes...""...charisma, a light touch & a soaring voice..." "...frisky, playful exuberance..." "...brilliant comedy mixed with a tinge of sadness..." "...radiant..." "...captivating, sexy..." "...a real live wire..." "...crack comic timing..." "...enchanting..." "...her voice is strong, lithe & full of nuance..." "...great heart..." "...a cross between Marilyn Monroe & Audrey Totter..." "...beautifully naturalistic..." "...a voice as pretty as a bird on a spring morning..." "...sultry siren..." "effervescent stage presence" "...sex bomb & Marilyn Monroe look-a-like..." "...can sell a number like nobody's business..." "...a Crayola box of skills..." "...sparkles..." "...burns scenery to a crisp..." "...couldn’t be more appealing if she were a banana."